These are video files made using various video cameras mounted to Remote Control airplanes and recording flight in real time or being hand held and recording the flight of model airplanes..
I have begun to EMBED video's into web pages. It makes quite a difference. Here is the link to the NEW video page - CLICK HERE
Bob Cobb Flying his DVII WWI plane at Calico on 03/23/2011 ----------- CLICK HERE
This was Terry Malone's first attempt at an flight video ----------------------- CLICK HERE
Keychain camera video's
Jet Plane catapult - coming soon
C-160 Transall maiden flight - coming soon
Tom Cooper's Chipmonk flying FPV ------------------------------------------ Click Here
Video from ACE-IN-THE-HOLE in Las Vegas 10/24/2009 --------------- CLICK HERE
2nd Video from ACE-IN-THE-HOLE in Las Vegas 10/24/2009 --------- CLICK HERE
This is a video taken from the front of a Blucor Super Flea --------- Click Here
This is a video made at Calico Dry Lake July 4, 2008 ----------------- Click Here
This is a video made at Calico Dry Lake July 9, 2008 ----------------- Click Here
This is a video made at Calico Dry Lake July 19, 2008 ---------------- Click Here
This is a video of a DR1 triplane made of DOW Blucor flying ------- Click Here
My F-16 Maiden flight ---------------------------------------------------- Click Here
Mark's CAP 232 Maiden Flight ---------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
My failed A-4 dolly take-off --------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
My A-4 successful dolly take-off --------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
F-16 Dolly Stuck Take-off ------------------------------------------------------ CLICK HERE
Flying at C.R.A.P.S. field in Mohave Arizona - July 24, 2009 --------- CLICK HERE
Calico Dry Lake bed FLYING 09/23/09 ------------------------------------ CLICK HERE
Max's Cub Maiden Flight ------------------------------------------------------ CLICK HERE - Good video of Max's Cub
Calico Flying 10/10/09 ----------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE -video of Bob's DR VII and got a short glimpse of Max's Cub taking off and flying.
Formosa Maiden Flight --------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE
Chasing Bob Cobb --------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK HERE video from my AP Magpie chasing Bob Cobb's YAK around.