Click the image of the photos you wish to see.




John's mini Bearcat flying around Calico Dry Lake at 93mph!




Don Vanhook and myself flying our PZ Corsairs around just for fun!




Don VanHook flying his PZ Spitfire IX around Calico




Blu-F-22 or the FFF profile F-22 flying again

Plans?? - CLICK HERE



Matt flying his PZ Trojan T-28 around Calico today, August 3, 2013.




John had his newly repainted PZ F4F Wildcat on display




John's Storch and Dan's Spitfire dueling in the sun at Calico.




Dan's Stuka making it's maiden flight at Calico Dry Lake, August 3, 2013.




Dan's Stuka's second flight at Calico.